
We now have 6 fully licensed physiotherapists who will work alongside our rotating Masters of Physical Therapy Students and Preceptors. The need for Physical Therapy services for clients living, working and studying on the UBC Campus and the surrounding area has increased and we have increased our staffing to help support the needs of the community.

Student Rate

Appointment TypeCost
Student PT Initial 60min50
Student PT Sub 45min50
Lienced PT Initial 45min50
Licenced PT Sub 30min50

Regular Public Rate

Appointment TypeCost
Student PT Initial 60min70
Student PT Sub 45min70
Licensed PT Initial 45min85
Licenced PT Sub 45min85
Licenced PT Sub 30min80

Affordability Rate**

Appointment TypeCost
Student PT 50
Licensed PT 50

**Please contact our team to discuss how to qualify for the affordability rate.

GLAD, FAME, & Classes

Appointment TypeCost
Student PT Initial Assessment70
Licensed PT Initial 45min80
Referral Pathway50
Group Exercise (per class)15

New rates effective Feb 12, 2024. Fees are subject to change.