Pre & Post Surgery


Post Surgery:

Physiotherapy is common after surgeries to help increase range of motion, strength and functional use of the affected area. Physiotherapy improves outcomes and helps support the changes made with surgery. For those who have had a total hip (THR) or total knee replacement (TKR) through UBC hospital, they are eligible for either 3 physiotherapy visits (THR) or 12 physiotherapy visits (TKR), paid for by Vancouver Coastal Health.

Pre Surgery:

Many people benefit from pre-surgery consultations with a physiotherapist. Appointments will focus on physical preparation for the surgery; increasing strength and range of motion prior to the surgery can assist the post-surgical recovery timeline. The UBC PTRC offers group classes through the GLA:D Canada training program for those awaiting joint replacement surgery, details can be found here.


– Increase range of motion and strength

– Increased preparedness for surgery

– Decreased pain

– Decrease inflammation

– Increased functional use of a limb


– Range of motion

– Strength training

– Exercise therapy

– GLA:D training